How are you doing?

How are you doing?

How am I doing? Thank you for asking! ♥️ Spiritually?Never better!I’m in the Word every day, reading, worshipping, praying, paying special attention that my thoughts and attitudes are Christlike, confessing my sins. Since I can’t really serve my loved ones, I can at...
I have lost much

I have lost much

I’ve lost 95% use of my arms & hands.My head is getting really heavy to hold up, sitting up straight is exhausting.My legs are swelling.My fingers are crooked & deformed.Swallowing is getting tricky; food needs to be soft & mushy or in thick liquid form....
I wanted to be yours

I wanted to be yours

I wanted to be yours because you were going to serve God with your whole life. After much prayer and contemplation, at 15, I made my mind up that serving God as a pastor’s wife would be the very pinnacle of life. I simply asked God to bring me a cute pastor to marry...
For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat

For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat

Before #als took away the use of my arms and legs I LOVED going to downtown Birmingham with my church family to pack boxes of food for friends in need. As I’d add my 2 cans of veggies and 2 proteins along the assembly line, I’d pray for the family who would get that...