At age 15 when the Lord opened my eyes to my sin of rejecting Him and living only for myself, He instantly gave me a strong hatred for my sin with a desire to repent and beg for His forgiveness. I remember pausing to try to imagine how how very much Jesus must have suffered on the cross for the sins I had been committing so casually and so purposefully.

I was so amazed and profoundly humbled that He would want me! It didn’t make sense because I felt so undeserving of His love and forgiveness! So I asked Him to please forgive me and make me His own and use me for His glory. I asked Him to please never not let me just warm a pew on Sunday mornings, but give me a way to serve Him with all of my life, every breath, every day. That’s when God put an insatiable desire for His Word in my heart!

It blesses me immensely to walk beside women as they discover the life-giving truths and promises of God. Psalm 119 boasts that if we love Him, God’s Words will bring us delight, be our most faithful counselor, deepest joy and choicest treasure. His Word will be the hope for our future and life-giver to our dry hearts.


I care deeply about your spiritual life because of what He’s done in mine!


I was 19 and 900 miles from home feeling very alone, desperately asking God to send me a godly woman to help me make sense of my spiritual life.

My mom had done an excellent job of instilling God’s Word in my heart when I was a child, but now I didn’t seem to know what to do with it. I floundered with so many questions, but no one to ask.

I didn’t know the word “mentor” or “disciple” but that’s exactly what I needed. I went to church every time the doors were open and read my Bible, but something was missing. I just couldn’t connect the dots in my spiritual life by myself.

So I prayed that God would send me a woman who loved Jesus, someone I could talk to, who would see how desperately I wanted to grow closer to Him and who would want to invest her life in mine.

I prayed that for the five most difficult, lonely years of my life.

And when God answered my prayer, He blew me away!


He brought the most amazing discipler into my life and I’ve never been the same! I’m a completely different woman from her influence in my life. She loved me, taught me, listened to me and let me emulate her walk with God.

I grew rapidly and soon started discipling small groups of women, teaching and writing my own Bible studies, and traveling to other countries to speak at women’s conferences.

I have a background in sales, marketing, writing commercials and dressing movie stars in sparkly gowns. I took a couple classes at Southeastern Bible College in Birmingham and completed The Master’s Seminary Wives Discipleship Program in Los Angeles. The most life-changing and incredible gift was being personally discipled by Elizabeth George. Her voice is forever in my head and the wisdom she gave me 2+ decades ago still guides me every single day. With buckets of gratitude I promised God I’d never let another woman within my arms reach be as desperate for a spiritual friend and mentor as I was. And my life-long dream of helping women think Biblically was born.

10 things you really don’t need to know about me…

  1. Popcorn is my weakness.
  2. My favorite books are written by dead theologians.
  3. I married my favorite pastor.
  4. I’m obsessed with discipling women.
  5. I’m trying to decide if yelling at Siri is a sin.
  6. I battle self-doubt every. single. day.
  7. I grow my own Kombucha.
  8. I have a leopard print problem.
  9. I’m living proof that God can use anyone!
  10. I once ate Breyer’s Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream out of the carton… WHILE I WALKED ON THE TREADMILL!


Now it’s your turn!

Tell what God’s doing in your life and how I can best serve you!  Drop me a line at

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